
Pinterest – no no no oh ok lets give it a go – it’s craft crack

Every blog post you read the last few weeks is mostly about Pinterest and as they say.

Pinterest is a virtual pinboard. Pinterest allows you to organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. You can browse pinboards created by other people to discover new things and get inspiration from people who share your interests.

People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and share their favorite recipes.

I was invited a while back and added a few photos of sheds on there and other stuff i like- and forgot about it – but in the last month I have seen an increasing amount of traffic to my sheds sites – and from pinterest – which is nice.

But I was not using it – so how did photos of sheds from my sites get on there? are other people interested in the sheds? of course they are and they were pinning them.


The principe is very simple – you like something you see on the interweb and you bookmark it (or pin it) – that’s been around since day 9 of the WWW – but for some reason the way that pinterest does it – making the photo/image the main bookmarkable item is what every one likes.

Ok previously it was mainly soccermoms and crafters and cat ladies on there – and a mainly a female audience – but it’s changing and us blokes are having a look in – if you ignore the cute overkill (ahhh cats in jumpers_ – there are some great images on their.

I follow some great artitecture boards and technology boards – it’s very addictive – I wish they did an andriod app so I can pin stuff on the go.

So before you make the leap check if people are pinning your content

a quick way to find out if people have pinned your content is just to go to a source page and replace your url.

and you will see all the pins people have done – as you can see I have been busy adding some of my favourite sheds that are entered into Shed of the year 2012 over the past few days.

I have added a button to the shed pages – so I can show sheddies if people have added their sheds to boards which may be useful in the future.

When pinterest release their API – then people will do some great things with the content and I think the stats would be very usefull for seeing trends – which could make it an essential tool for business.

If you want an invite just let me know.