On of my colleagues is taking part in the Kilimanjaro climb for cancer (you can sponsor her here).
But another good thing to come of this is a new beer has been brewed by Cardiff Brewer Brains
‘Up and Over’ ale has been specially created for the Brains SA Captains Climb. The 500ml bottle is being sold exclusively in all Welsh Tesco Extras and Superstores, and is available as part of Brains’ 3 for £4 offer. 15p from each bottle sold will be donated to the challenge.
The name ‘Up & Over’ was the inspiration of Stephen Katchi who won a MediaWales competition to name the beer.
I have been lucky to get a bottle and will let you know what is tastes like, but Brains have provided some tasting notes
‘Up & Over’ is a fruity, light amber coloured beer. Fuggles, Goldings, Styrian Goldings and Cascade hops coupled with the unique Brains yeast and balanced malt flavours creates a deliciously refreshing pint guaranteed to be a high point in our ale range.