
Wetherspoon’s International Real Ales Festival 17th October 2014 Beer List

Not sure why they don’t just post a list of all the beers instead of using a PDF or pageturner 🙁 beer list from Spoons website 1. IAN RAMSAY’S VILLAGE ELDER3.8% ABV NEW ZEALANDIan Ramsay has returned to EverardsBrewery, in Leicester, to brewhis second beer especially for aWetherspoon real-ale festival. Thiswell-balanced copper-coloured sessionbeer is brewed […]

Not sure why they don’t just post a list of all the beers instead of using a PDF or pageturner 🙁

beer list from Spoons website

NEW ZEALANDIan Ramsay has returned to EverardsBrewery, in Leicester, to brewhis second beer especially for aWetherspoon real-ale festival. Thiswell-balanced copper-coloured sessionbeer is brewed with English pale maltand a generous quantity of caramelmalt, plus New Zealand hops foraroma and English hops for bittering.

2. BATH PROPHECY3.9% ABVThis crisp, light, pale ale has a fruity(yet pine-like) aroma, whose notescontinue into the flavour, resulting in adry, bitter and complex character anda finish to fulfil all your expectations.

3. SHEPHERD NEAME WHITSTABLEBAY PALE ALE3.9% ABVThis pale ale has glorious grapefruitand pine aromas, leading to a sweetmaltiness, balanced by a subtlebitterness imparted by late-hoppingduring brewing. This results in athirst-quenching character.

4. BREW MOON ANTIPODEAN ALE4.0% ABVBelinda Gould has travelled to Hook
NEW ZEALANDNorton Brewery, in Oxfordshire,to brew this beer especially for thisWetherspoon real-ale festival. Thisgolden beer has a lemon and citrusaroma, from the New Zealand hopswhose notes continue into the flavour,with moderate bitterness, balancedby rich flavours from the English maltsused. The addition of wheat malt leadsto a full head and pleasing mouthfeel.

4.0% ABVThis popular beer made its nationaldébut at our 2009 autumn real-alefestival. It is dark amber in colour,with hints of popcorn and softtoffee on the aroma, a balance ofnuts, toffee and tropical fruits in theflavour and a dry, grainy malt finish.

4.1% ABVThis frighteningly good red rye aleis brewed using a complex blendof hops, imparting a hoppy, citrusaroma and balancing the roastedmalt flavours, before supplyinga sharp, crisp aftertaste.

7. MARSTON’S OYSTERSTOUT4.1% ABVThis rich, dark and exceptionallycreamy stout has a fruity, floraland spicy character, derived fromEnglish aroma hops, balancedby a roasted malt bitterness.

8. BANKS’S BOTANICAL BEER4.2% ABVThis beer harks back to a time whenale was brewed without hops, usinggruit – the medieval term for aherb & spice blend. It is copper incolour, with the gruit complementingthe hops used, resulting in floral,spicy, citrus and peppery notes.

4.2% ABVThis light golden ale, availableexclusively in cask at this Wetherspoonreal-ale festival, has a floral aroma,with orange notes, followed bya rich and luscious flavour, withmalt sweetness, balanced by ahop bitterness bite in the finish.

10. JW LEES JOHN WILLIE’S 1004.2% ABVThis new beer, named after oneof the first tanks used in battle,commemorates the start of the WorldWar I. It is mahogany in colour, witha floral, spicy aroma, the spicinesscontinuing into the flavour, beforeresulting in a pleasing, rounded finish.

11. LIBERATION AMERICANBROWN ALE4.2% ABVThis new beer, exclusive to thisWetherspoon real-ale festival, isbrewed using amber and brownmalts to produce a smooth,nutty flavour, while the Americanhops blend supplies an excellentbalance and full hop aroma.

12. MORLAND OLD HOPPY HEN4.2% ABVThis golden beer has been madeavailable again in cask form, especiallyfor this Wetherspoon real-alefestival. Pale and crystal malts givebiscuit and toffee notes, with ryeadding a touch of spiciness, while thehops impart fresh grapefruit, citrusand tropical fruit characteristics.

4.2% ABVThis golden-coloured ale has asubtle hop character from itsdelicate combination of hops, withthe finest Yorkshire malted barleygiving a full-bodied balance, resultingin a memorable, satisfying ale.

14. BATEMANS COLONEL’S WHISKERS4.3% ABVExclusive to this Wetherspoonreal-ale festival, this is a 21st-centurycrafty higher-strength rework ofthis brewery’s award-winning mild.Dark, rich and creamy, with a full-
bodied, velvety subtle hop character,its style is somewhere between atraditional mild and a modern stout.

15. BUTCOMBE CRIMSON KING4.3% ABVThis new red beer is brewed usingrye malt to give distinctive spicy,dry flavours, while the hop varietiesused combine to deliver a fresh,fruity aroma and refreshing flavourbursting with hop character.

4.3% ABVThis new beer has been developedespecially for this Wetherspoonreal-ale festival, using a new Americanhop variety, in collaboration with hopmerchants Charles Faram. This deepgolden beer has powerful, zesty fruityhop notes in the aroma, plus hintsof grapefruit, citrus and lychees.

17. ROOSTER’S UNION GAP4.3% ABVThis new pale beer, brewedexclusively for this Wetherspoonreal-ale festival, showcases three hopvarieties from America’s northwestand is named after a town in theYakima Valley. Expect a full hopcharacter, with aromas and flavoursof lemon peel and orange.

18. EVAN EVANS ARTISANCLUSTER NUT4.4% ABVThis new mid-coloured seasonal alehas an inviting floral hop aroma, leadingto a spicy hop character, balancedby a smoothness from the torrifiedwheat, with a lasting fruit finish.

19. STRATHAVEN FIERY CAULDRON4.4% ABVThis light amber seasonal alehas a distinctively spicy gingeraroma, leading to a complex,richroasted character, from the firsttaste to the finish – balanced bysubtle, underlying hop notes.

20. TRING HAZY HOEDOWN4.4% ABVThis has been brewed specially forthis Wetherspoon real-ale festivalas a collaboration between TringBrewery and Michaela White ofUpstairs Brewing, duty manager atWetherspoon pub The Masque Hauntand a qualified part-time brewer. Itis in the style of an American wheatbeer, pale and naturally hazy inappearance, with a full aroma leadingto a refreshing character, imparted byits blend of wheat and hop varieties.

21. TWO BIRDS GOLDEN ALE4.4% ABVJayne and Danielle have travelledto Banks’s Brewery, in the West
AUSTRALIAMidlands, to brew this beer especiallyfor this Wetherspoon real-ale festival.It uses ale, wheat and Vienna maltsto provide the rich golden colourand light honey character, whilethe hop varieties provide melonand apricot notes in the flavour.and citrus aromas, leading to spice

22. HARVIESTOUN OLD ENGINE OIL4.5% ABVThis midnight-black porter iswickedly smooth, with hints ofdark cherries, roasted malt andcoffee on the nose, leading toa rich palate of dark chocolate,coffee, toast and sweet caramel,balanced by a bitter, hoppy finish.

23. MAXIM THESIMCOE KID4.5% ABVThis new golden ale, brewedexclusively for this Wetherspoonreal-ale festival, has a tropicalfruitaroma burst, leading to pleasingbitterness, with plenty of citrus notes,resulting in a long, refreshing finish.

24. OKELL’S IPA4.5% ABVThis light-coloured beer has asurprisingly full-bodied taste, with aninitial sweetness offset by generoushopping, resulting in an overallroundness, with plenty of spicy,lemony notes and a fine, dry finish.

25. VALEThis straw-coloured beer, brewedMETAMORPHOSIS 4.5% ABV
exclusively for this Wetherspoonreal-ale festival, is crafted from ablend of American, English andNew Zealand hops, imparting afruity, citrus aroma, pleasing hoppyflavour and clean, fresh finish.
fine pale malt and a touch of wheat,while its hops impart the rich fruityflavour and fruity, citrus finish.

26.WHITE HORSE CAMARILLO 4.5% ABVThis new, pale, seasonal beer derivesits colour

27. ARUNDEL AUTUMN BREEZE4.6% ABVThis new seasonal beer is brewedin the style of a dark old ale, with apleasing roast malt aroma continuinginto the flavour, combining withberry fruit and chocolate notes,resulting in a smooth, fruity finish,with some hop bitterness.

NETHERLANDS Roel Wagemans has travelled to Caledonian Brewery, in Edinburgh, to brew this beer especially for this Wetherspoon real-ale festival. This India session ale is deep gold in colour, with its New World hops offering a floral, bitter character which develops into a tropical citrus finish, enhanced by the addition of lime and underlined by a firm malt base.

29. MOORHOUSE’S BLACKCAT RESERVE4.6% ABVThis dark beer is a stronger versionof this brewery’s award-winning mild,intense in character, with complexnotes of roasted coffee, chocolateand mocha balanced by hints ofdark cherry and blackcurrant.

30. ADNAMS 1659SMOKED RUBY BEER4.7% ABVThis new light brown beer, exclusiveto Wetherspoon in cask, has a subtle,sweet, smoky aroma, with its smokyflavour containing hints of raisins, datesand coffee, along with a restrainedbitterness, leading to a dry finish.

4.7% ABVThis new pale-coloured beer, brewedexclusively for this Wetherspoonreal-ale festival, has a sweet citrusnose, with emerging hints of grapefruit,leading to further citrus notes in thepredominantly hoppy flavour, resultingin a delicate, smooth, bitter finish.

32. THWAITES HOBNOBBER4.7% ABVThis beer is available on anoccasional basis only, brewed againespecially for this Wetherspoonreal-ale festival. The flavour isdominated by a malty moreishness,while the biscuit notes continuethrough to a pleasing nutty finish

33. BANKS & TAYLOR’SHITCHIN OLD DARK4.8% ABVThis new black porter has beenbrewed exclusively for thisWetherspoon real-ale festival. Ithas a strong malty aroma, leadingto a rich flavour, enhanced bysubtle chocolate undertones andleading to a long, nutty finish.

ITALYFabio Brocca and Mattia Bonardihave travelled to Marston’s Brewery,in Staffordshire, to brew this beerespecially for this Wetherspoonreal-ale festival. This amber-colouredbeer has initial notes of mandarinand orange (imparted by theAmerican hops), leading to citrusnotes which balance the delicatetaste of malt, resulting in a moderatebody and pleasing dry finish.

35. OAKHAM GREATGUSTAV4.5% ABVThis new, pale golden ale hasbeen brewed exclusively for thisWetherspoon real-ale festival,packed with generous quantitiesof German hops to give zesty fruitaromas and a refreshing flavour,balanced by a subtle sweetness.

36. COACH HOUSE TOFFEE BITTER5.0% ABVThis pale, straw-coloured beer is oneof the most popular of this brewery’ssuccessful range of flavoured ales, witha pleasing toffee note evident in thenose and palate, complemented by agood balance of malt and hop flavours.
37. EVERARDS TIGERTRIPLE GOLD5.0% ABVThis popular seasonal brew isusually brewed only for Everards’own pubs, yet has been brewedespecially for this Wetherspoonreal-ale festival. It is deep copper incolour, with a malty, spicy nose anda well-balanced fruity flavour, leadingto a clean and refreshing finish.38. LONG MAN GOLDEN TIPPLE5.0% ABVThis deep-golden-hued beer, brewedagain especially for this Wetherspoonreal-ale festival, has aromas of lime,fruit and pineapple, leading to ahoppy flavour, with hints of citrus andlemon, plus a full, medium-dry finish.

39. MORDUE AMERICANA5.0% ABVThis new beer has been brewedexclusively for this Wetherspoonreal-ale festival in the style of anAmerican brown ale, with a citrusand orange pith aroma, leading to afull, balanced flavour, with hints ofchocolate and roast grains emergingto impart a memorable character.

40. 10 BARREL O.G. IPA5.0% ABV USATonya Cornett has returned, this time toWadworth Brewery, in Wiltshire, to brewthis especially for this Wetherspoon real-
ale festival. Wheat beers and IPAs aregenerally considered to be on oppositesides of the spectrum, but 10 Barrel begsto differ. Brewed with 50% wheat malt,this smooth, deep golden IPA balances aslight tartness from the wheat malt withdistinct grapefruit citrus hop notes, thanksto the use of Australian Galaxy hops.

41. TITANIC HOP ABROAD5.0% ABVThe Titanic was built to travel the world– and this beer, breed exclusively forthis Wetherspoon real-ale festival, doesso all in one glass. With its abundance ofhops from every corner of the globe, itis light and refreshing, with a myriad hopnotes sailing out of the aroma and flavour.


42.WADWORTH HEATHER AND HONEY5.0% ABVThis rare golden-coloured beer hasbeen brewed again, exclusively for thisWetherspoon real-ale festival, withheather added during the boiling andfermentation processes and honey fromthe lavender fields of the Mediterranean,creating a distinctive, strong-flavouredhoney ale, with a hint of lavender.


43. OAKLEAF BLAKE’S GOSPORT BITTER5.2% ABVThis deep mahogany beer, not brewedsince November 2012, has been broughtback especially for this Wetherspoonreal-ale festival, with its smoky liquoricearoma leading to a roasted treacleflavour and a long, bitter finish.


44. BREWSTER’S BREWERS DOZEN5.5% ABVThis rare beer has been brewed againexclusively for this Wetherspoonreal-ale festival. It is rich amber incolour with a pleasing roasted maltbase, complemented by plenty ofresinous and citrus hop notes.


45.CALEDONIAN TROJAN HORSE5.5% ABVThis new beer is so named as it is abeer within a beer (an IPA within aschwarzbier), black in colour, with afloral and herbal aroma, leading to asuperb balance of bittersweet darkmalt and citrus hop characteristics.


46. SIXPOINTBKLYN BITTER5.5% ABV USAHeather McReynolds has travelled toAdnams Brewery, in Suffolk, to brew thisbeer especially for this Wetherspoonreal-ale festival. The abundance ofAmerican hops in this light amber beerimparts a floral, citrus aroma and notesof grapefruit, orange and spice in theflavour, leading to a thirst-quenchingbitterness balanced by a malty backbone.


47.WOODFORDE’S PHOENIX IPA5.5% ABVThis new seasonal beer uses Norfolk-
grown Maris Otter malt as the base forits flavour, then is boldly hopped withEnglish hops to give balance, while thelate addition of the American Amarillohops gives a lasting citrus finish.


48. ABBAYE DU VAL-DIEU ABBAYE BLONDE6.0% ABV BELGIUMVirginie Harzé has returned from thisbrewery (based in the abbey grounds)to Shepherd Neame Brewery, in Kent,to brew this beer especially for thisWetherspoon real-ale festival. Thisis pale yellow in colour and slightlycloudy in appearance, with a beautifullyperfumed, slightly piquant aroma.Its flavour is initially sweet, beforedeveloping a refreshing bitterness andfruitiness, resulting in a hoppy finish.


49. ELYSIAN NIGHT OWL PUMPKIN ALE6.5% ABV USADick Cantwell has returned to brewhis second beer especially for aWetherspoon real-ale festival, this time atWychwood Brewery, in Oxfordshire. Thiscopper-coloured ale is spiced with ginger,cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and allspice,together with pumpkin concentrate,providing a distinctive, complex flavour,with a subtle, underlying bitterness.


50. WICKED WEED FREAK OF NATURE7.5% ABV USAWalt and Luke Dickinson havetravelled to Batemans Brewery,in Lincolnshire, to brew thisbeer especially for this Wetherspoonreal-ale festival – their second timeover here to brew for us. This goldenbeer is brewed in the style of a classicwest coast double IPA, with hugeamounts of hops giving strong, citrusand tropical fruit aromas, leading toa big, deep flavour, with a moderatebitterness and dry finish on the palate.