
Beer of the Week Brewdog Abstrakt AB:03

Ok I do like brewdog beers and yes I do believe the hype and yes they do make bloody great beers. So as its St Andrews day I thought I would open one of my Brewdog Abstrakt 03, its the only Abstrakt I bought more than one of.. The blurb Imperial Ale Aged over 2 […]

Ok I do like brewdog beers and yes I do believe the hype and yes they do make bloody great beers.

So as its St Andrews day I thought I would open one of my Brewdog Abstrakt 03, its the only Abstrakt I bought more than one of..

Brewdog Abstrakt AB:03

The blurb

Imperial Ale Aged over 2 years in whisky casks with raspberries and strawberries 10.5%

Its not as dark as I would have expected – must be the fruit – there is not an overpowering alcohol aroma but great fruity burst , just enough hops but a nice fruity aftertaste, seems to be slightly fizzy which is nice and tingly (you can tell I don’t review beer properly what the hell is tingly) – compared to the awesome Paradox I had last week if 03 was not so expensive (£9.99 a bottle) & in little supply, I could easily drink a few bottle of this (now if only Martin and James would sell it in 750ml bottles for the same price)

Reminds me of a weekend in Antwerp a few years back, beers that excite your taste buds and make you want to try more.

Brewdog Abstrakt AB:03

Brewdog Abstrakt AB:03

Wish I had bought more than 1 of the AB:01 AB:02 now, but have I few bottles of AB:04 coming which has Coffee, loads Cacao and Chilli so expecting something very different.. thanks to Rob for getting those..

Of course with the expected raise in taxation on 7.5 percent ABV and higher beers – hopefully the scottish boys will not stop making great beers like this, as Iam sure many people will still want to buy these great craft beers..

If you have a great selection of craft beers why not show off your Beer Cupboard on my new site.